Liger Population in Russia

The estimated population of the ligers in Russia is around 12 ligers. Ligers are extremely rare around the world and Russia is one of the very few countries to not only have the ligers but also in significant numbers (double digits). The population of these 12 ligers is living at different zoos, circuses and even the mobile zoos. Some of the Russian zoos not only have ligers but also one of the world's rarest Li-Ligers (Second Generation Hybrid Big cats born through the crossbreeding of the male lion and the female liger).

Russia has a total of around 12 ligers and these numbers also make it one of the significant contributor to the liger population worldwide.

Even some liger cubs have been reported to be living with humans in the apartments. Chances are there might well be a few more ligers at different private facilities in Russia but such ligers are impossible to count. Let's breakdown the liger population in Russia right from its origin and also compares this liger population with the rest of the world.

Population Ligers in Russia
12 Ligers in Russia
Ligers in Russia Live @
Zoos, Circuses & Mobile zoos
Russia also has
The Li-Ligers
Crossbreeding of Male Lion & Ligress
Actual Population of Ligers in Russia
Might be more than Calculated

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
12 Ligers in Russia - Liger Population
According to the official estimates, there are about 12 ligers in different zoos and circuses of Russia. Photo courtesy of  

Russia had its first liger only at the start of the 21st century. Russia's first litter of the liger cubs was born in 2004, when two female ligers were born. Their names were Zita and Gita. At the end of the first decade, there were around 3 to 4 ligers in Russia. However; as of 2019, Russia has as many as 12 ligers in total.

In 2000s; Russia only had 3 to 4 ligers and by 2019 Russia has almost 12 ligers within its 6 different regions i.e., Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Lipetsk, Vladivostok and the Pyatigorsk regions.

This strongly suggests that the population of the ligers in Russia has increased by almost 3 to 4 times over the span of just 10 years. Initially; there were just 2 regions in Russia with ligers. Now as many as 6 regions in Russia have ligers. These liger regions from Russia include the Novosibirsk, Sochi, Lipetsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg and the Pyatigorsk regions.

1st Liger in Russia
2 Ligers Born in 2004
Liger Population in 2010
3 Ligers
Liger Population Rise
3 to 4 Times
No. of Regions with Ligers
6 Regions
Liger Regions
Novosibirsk, Sochi, Lipetsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg and the Pyatigorsk regions.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger Population in crease in Russia.
Russia has also seen a reasonable increase within its liger population from just 3 to 12 by 2010. Photo courtes of 

Russia is at the third spot for the liger numbers. Other two countries with significant liger population include the United States and the China. United States is at the top spot with more than 50 ligers in 13 different states and in almost 28 zoos in total.

Russia is at the third spot in terms of liger population while United States and China are holding the first two spots. Altogether; these three countries represent more than 85% of the global liger population.

China is on the second spot with as many as 25 ligers in 8 different zoos. United States had its first liger in 1948 while both Russia and China had their first ligers at the start of the 21st century. The United States, China and Russia represent more than 85% of the global liger population. These three countries also saw the major rise within the liger population from 2011 to 2019.

Russian Liger Population
3rd Biggest in the World
Top Country with Ligers
United States of America
2nd Biggest Liger Populated Country
China with 25 Ligers
USA, China & Russia
Hold 85% of the Global Liger Population
Surge in Liger Population
2011 to 2020

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Russia is at the third spot for the liger population.
Russia is at the third spot when it comes to the liger population numbers. Other two countries include the United States and the China. Photo courtesy of  

The current trends do indicate that the population of the ligers in Russia is expected to grow further in the upcoming years. If the liger population increased with the same trends of the 2010s; then by the end of 2030; there will almost 50 ligers in Russia. As the zoo keepers learn more about the ligers i.e., their huge size and massive appearance etc., they get motivated to crossbreed the lion and tigers to produce the ligers.

If the current trends of liger population continued for the next couple of years, then by the end of 2030, there will be almost 50 ligers in Russia.

Previously; people used to think that ligers are sterile and they are full of genetic shortcomings, however; now they have learned that such news were just the rumors. The stable health and fertility of the ligers have also significantly contributed for the increase in liger population.

Liger Population by 2030
More than 50 Ligers
Top Country with Ligers
United States of America
Love Breeding Ligers
Ligers are not
Ligers are Free of
Genetic Defects
Liger Population Rise itself is the biggest proof.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger Population estimates in Russia by 2030.
According to the estimates, the liger population is expected to reach more than 50 ligers by the end of 2030. Photo courtesy of 

The most famous zoo in Russia to have ligers is the Novosibirsk Zoo. Novosibirsk Zoo is the first zoo to display a liger at its premises. The zoo has significantly contributed towards the rise of liger population within Russia. In 2012; the zoo made a huge accomplishment, when the world's first Li-Liger cub Kiara was born at the Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia. A Li-Liger has the male lion as its father and the female liger as its mother. Later the female liger again gave birth to the litter of 3 Li-Liger cubs.

Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia is the most famous zoo in Russia to have ligers. The Zoo not only has ligers but also the Li-Ligers which are produced by crossing the male lion with the female liger.

Over the years; the Novosibirsk Zoo has made global headlines for having the world's first Li-Ligers. The births of the Li-Ligers at the Novosibirsk Zoo have also established the fact that the female ligers are not sterile. Onwards the Americans did follow the Li-liger trend and they successfully bred the world's first male Li-Ligers at the Wynnewood Zoo in USA.

Novosibirsk Zoo
Introduced First Liger in Russia
Novosibirsk Zoo
Famous Zoo for Ligers Worldwide
World's Fist Li-Ligers
Were Born at Novosibirsk Zoo
Zoo also Proved
Ligers are not Sterile

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Ligers at Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia.
The Novosibirsk Zoo was the first zoo in Russia to publically display the ligers at its premises. Photo courtesy of  

Sochi Zoo is also famous for having 3 liger cubs born in 2015 and all of them were fed by the female Labrador. This is most probably the biggest litter of the liger cubs produced within Russian region as previously we only used to hear the news of one or two liger cubs in Russia. Therefore; this zoo has also significantly contributed to the liger population in the Russia.

Other famous zoos in Russia for having ligers include the Sochi zoo and the mobile zoo from the Pyatogorsk region. These two zoos have also significantly contributed to the liger population in Russia.

Similarly; a mobile zoo from the Pyatigorsk region of Russia is also very famous for having ligers. This zoo has two ligers and it takes them to different Russian regions in each summer. The male liger from the Pyatogorsk's mobile zoo is most probably the biggest liger in the whole Russia. It has a beautiful mane around its neck and it most probably weighs more than 800 pounds.

Sochi zoo in Russia
Famous for having Ligers
@ Sochi Zoo
Female Labrodar adopted 3 Liger Cubs
Pyatigorsk's Mobile Zoo
Have 2 Ligers
Male Liger from Pyatigorsk Zoo
Biggest Liger in Russia

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger at the Pyatigorsk region in Russia.
Russia's Pyatigorsk region has a mobile zoo which has 2 ligers. One of the male ligers from that zoo is the biggest liger in Russia. Photo courtesy of